Pandemics and Male Supremacism Metamorphosis: The Civic Canalisation of Male Chauvinist Ideology into Social Networking vs Feminist Epidemic Protests in Social Distancing Era

The male chauvinist ideological precepts, deeply enrooted in the strict gender-based task division imposed by male supremacism where men granted themselves political leadership and professional development while displaced women to the performance of house-keeping duties at the private sphere of the house, have undeniably been partially inhibited by the feminist movement and its intense fight since its emergence in late 19th century. Thus, feminism would have managed to build a social and political common consensus on the needful participation of women to the construction of a guaranteeing democracy which has been disrupted by the socio-political instability caused by the irruption of ultraconservativism in the political spectrum of the Spanish society.

The Spanish ultraright feminist scare, which traditionally governed the social life of the country and gained voice with the appearance of VOX in the political panorama of the Southernmost country of the Old Continent, was menaced, along to its traditional presential forums for ideologisation, by the fortuitous occurrence of COVID-19 health crisis and the imposition of social distancing as a capital prophylactic measure the prevention of the pandemic expansion. In the framework of this unprecedented situation, wide-outreach social networking platforms may be observed to operate as the preferential channels for Spanish right political parties to vectorise their antifeminist precepts, as encoded in fake news oriented at the depictional denigration of the feminist protest as a first-order catalyser of the COVID-19 epidemic expansion throughout the population and, consequently, at the equation of feminism with a virus with the potential to infect and corrupt the socio-political tissue of the Spanish nation.

Moreover, these artificial hoax-based narratives may be explored to aim at relevant representatives of feminism in the Spanish politics for their liability as a peril to status quo prevalence. In particular, selected members of the executive of the country has been alluded to use their influence for the prioritisation of the feminist ambitions ahead of national security and public health.

Palabras clave

Male Supremacism; Ultra-Conservativism; Covid-19; Fake News; Feminist Protest

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Sergio Yagüe-Pasamón

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      Sergio Yagüe-Pasamón

      Comentó el 28/05/2021 a las 20:59:58

      Estimado Juan Carlos,
      Gracias por su pregunta y por su interés en mi ponencia. En lugar de reforzar el discurso de la ultraderecha española, el foco se encontraría en la vehiculización que esta hace, con el fin de la supervivencia, de sus ideas hacia un foro de debate mucho menos conservador, como es la interacción en línea, como única alternativa a la crisis sanitaria sobrevenida por la COVID-19. Aunque directamente esto no haya contribuido a reforzar el discurso de VOX, ha amplificado sus efectos hasta un público que, tradicionalmente, no se ha visto apelado por su discurso, por lo que, proporcionalmente, es esperable que, sin pretenderlo inicialmente, hayan ganado en adeptos para la vectorización de su polémico ideario.


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      Juan Carlos Figuereo Benítez

      Comentó el 21/05/2021 a las 11:56:13

      Estimado ponente, gracias por su trabajo. Me gustaría preguntarle por qué apunta que la pandemia que estamos viviendo actualmente ha reforzado el discurso de Vox y si usted cree que ha afectado de alguna manera al discurso de la ultraderecha española. ¡Muchas gracias y enhorabuena!


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