Since the Enlightenment, the struggle for real and effective equality between men and women began to become a reality due to the normative transformations of the feminist movement. This demand stemmed from this social movement and began with the debates of today’s citizens. In today’s society, gender inequalities continue to exist and are a future challenge that must be met. Over the years it has been shown that gender inequalities still persist today between the sexes, which means that the search for equality remains a challenge for the future. However, the equality movement has not stood still and has been enlarged and transformed by the awareness-raising work and demands that have been established over the years. The bibliographical review carried out in this study analyses the social discourse among all citizens regarding social gender stereotypes in our current society and the response to the great challenges we face, such as: the wage gap; the equalisation of maternity and paternity leave; women in the context of the digital society; the demands of the feminist movement from the social context. Finally, the results of the theoretical review carried out are as follows: machismo is still present in our society through sexism; positions in social organisations and in the political and public sphere are still occupied by men without women being able to break the glass ceiling in its entirety; equal pay has not yet been achieved; and women are more empowered, aware and united to advocate for their rights and for the important role they play in today’s society.

Palabras clave

Cliché Estereotype Social Feminism Gender Roles Social demands


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Alfonso Chaves-Montero

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