In an increasingly demanding society, both the education system and the school directors and training institutions have the responsibility to ensure quality education for all. Currently, most researchers use the concept of the learning society, arguing that progressive learning is an indispensable resource in a growing society. Education and the improvement of its quality are then conceived as a tool that allowed the development of society through the formation of competent and comprehensive citizens. For this, it is necessary for educational leadership to have professional competencies, among which emotional competence stands out. Educational management is not enough with knowledge at the administrative level, but requires mastery of emotions for the optimal performance of their professional role. A school principal faces daily situations where emotions play a crucial role: personal, social, professional, cultural and political problems. Their emotional struggles have significant implications for decision-making, well-being, and educational leadership models. For that reason, it is important to train in emotional intelligence in order to influence others and create a productive professional environment. In turn, this will allow them to control decision making and they are empathetic enough to understand different perspectives. Likewise, being able to manage their emotions and establish quality interpersonal relationships, increase trust and promote a work environment in which shared understanding.

In this chapter, the educational direction is understood from the emotions in which both the role of the emotions of the school principals and the emotional intelligence and emotional competencies are covered.

Palabras clave

Educational Direction Educational Leadership Emotional Skill

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José María Rojas

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Hay 5 comentarios en esta ponencia

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      Dr. Carlos Rene Contreras Cazarez

      Comentó el 03/06/2021 a las 16:38:59

      José María congratulations on the presentation. I consider the dimension of emotional competence to be extremely relevant for today's studies. Therefore I would like to know if the study that you present to us is a reflective or empirical study. Thanks.


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      laura M Guerrero Puerta

      Comentó el 22/05/2021 a las 10:47:27

      Ante todo, felicitarle por su ponencia. Cree que existen diferencias entre las etapas de primaria y secundaria?


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        José María Rojas

        Comentó el 22/05/2021 a las 22:16:44

        Buenas tardes,

        Muchísimas gracias por tu interés hacia mi ponencia. Claro que hay diferencias entre dos etapas, en el grado en el que se trabajan las emociones. La etapa primaria requiere de mayor atención emocional por la edad del alumnado y en la segunda se siguen trabajando las emociones, aunque de forma más sutil para lograr el desarrollo de la autonomía del alumnado.

        Un saludo,
        José María


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      Álvaro Silva

      Comentó el 19/05/2021 a las 12:09:31

      Emotions are always present in our decision-making process and, therefore, I totally agree on giving them careful consideration. However, don't you think that we are living in an over-emotional world and that emotional training should also help us to think "keeping a cool head"?


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        José María Rojas

        Comentó el 19/05/2021 a las 14:21:38

        Good afternoon,
        I would like to thank you for the time given to the reading and audio of my presentation.
        I think it is necessary to maintain a balance between both parties. At present, a lot of work is being done on emotional intelligence in all areas, in this case the leadership. It is important to work on emotions and for the director to know how to manage them properly. However, it is necessary to know in which situations they are necessary and in which, it is important to use reason. It is always inappropriate to take them into account because it would cause an emotional overload that would prevent the achievement of the proposed objectives and would be detrimental to the emotional health of the school principal.

        José María


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