Recreating Women’s Communicative verbosity-related subversion in Popular Culture through the Invokation of Grice’s Conversational Theory

This presentation pursues to analyse the implementation of specific linguistic theoretical frameworks with the purpose of creating a conceptual depictional unbalance between male and female collectives, as assessed by means of their conversational behaviour. In particular, the manipulative deployment of Grice’s theory on conversational collaboration will be explored as an ideological resource for the male supremacist status quo to determine the socially acceptable conversational behaviour of the citizenship to subsequently classify speaking collectives according to their recreated degree of adhesion to the game rules set by Western patriarchal establishments. Thus, the operativity of the interpretation of Grice’s conversational behaviour as the standard will be analysed as an instrument for the characterisation of women’s speech as naturally deviating from the norm. The fulfilment of the aforementioned objectives may involve an extensive revisitation of men and women’s discourse, in order to contemplate the potential deployment of salient gender-specific language features to metonymically conceive male and female conduct within or outside the male threshold of social permissibility.

In particular, the stereotypical widely spread belief on women’s verbosity and communicative unproductivity, as encoded in popular culture narrative artefacts including refrains and proverbs, will be susceptible for its manipulation as evidence of women’s communicative incompetence and menacing subversive ways, which would exhibit in the females’ natural tendency to violate Grice’s quantity maxim, a precept that demands speakers to limit their expression to sufficiency

Palabras clave

Male Supremacism; Genderlects; Linguistics; Verbosity; Relegation

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Sergio Yagüe-Pasamón

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      Alicia Herraiz Gutiérrez

      Comentó el 20/05/2021 a las 11:44:13

      Thank you for your illuminating presentation, Sergio. You have demonstrated that the system is biased against women, taking female linguistic behavior as deviation rather than simply as another way of communicating. Given that the context is so heavily stacked against women, I wonder if it is at all possible for a woman to succeed in this system. That is, can a woman speak "as a man" according to Grice's standard? Or is the perception of the speaker being female stronger than the actual behavior? I suspect that not matter the speech, female speaking is always considering deviant, but I would like to read your opinion on this matter.
      Thanks in advance.


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        Sergio Yagüe-Pasamón

        Comentó el 20/05/2021 a las 14:15:09

        Dear Alicia,
        Thank you for question and your interest in my lecture. According to my research findings, the default positioning of women into the private sphere of the house to limit their participation in the public sections of society, which could primarily be classified into professional development and political activity, would serve as an ultimate social control instrument by condemning women to mutism. The female have traditionally been expected to remain silent while transiting in daily life situations in those public forums, being their referential male figures, either father or husband, who expressed their own will according to their own system of values and desires through mainstream verbal language, their official spokesperson. Provided the socio-political expectations on women as quiet and submissive social actors who would renounce to their own aspirations in favour of their male counterparts, the minimal female speaking would be considered excessive, flouting Grice's quality maxim. I hope I contributed to further clarify your inquiry. Shall you have more questions or desire to learn about any other specific aspect I cover in my research, please, do not hesitate to contact me at sergio.yague.pasamon@gmail.com .


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